Hi, I'm
Piotr Garbicz
I build things that begin with www
As a Frontend && Backend developer.

About me

Keeping balance between passions - music & technology. Ruby on Rails & JS fintech developer with nearly 5 years of experience and bachelor's degree in jazz.

I love to work with ambitious people and projects that give me the possibility to leave a mark. During my work experience I've had the pleasure to be frontend / backend / fullstack / vue / RoR engineer, but also team leader, project manager and lead the discovery team in a fintech company. My favourite environment is a place with a lot of challenges, and potential for self-development.

If you think that something is impossible - I'll be glad to give you my opinion on that topic!

My Skills

Backend Dev
Ruby, Ruby on Rails
RoR developer with nearly 5 years of experience. I belive that backend and API architecture is place, where Ruby can really shine.
Frontend Dev
Vue, NuxtJS, TS
Highly passionate about UI/UX. More than 5 years of experience in HTML, CSS and JS.

I love to work with tools like Typescript, node.js, Vite, Electron and Vue.js.
but I also like work with this

My Experience

Team Leader, Ruby on Rails Developer @ Espago
November 2018 - Now (4 years, 6 months)
  • Team Leader, Developer
  • Regular Developer
  • Junior RoR Developer
May 2022 - Now
Team management, managing few small interdisciplinary teams. Agile agile agile.
Product planning and development - as lead developer and project manager. Keeping relations with key clients and partners.
Onboarding new employees, organizing personal training sessions and leading new developers.
Participation in code reviews for other developers to ensure code quality, adherence to coding standards, and identifying areas for improvement.


Or directly via e-mail
Feel free to ask any questions!